
Village Hall

110 North Swift Street
Glenbeulah, WI 53023

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 128
Glenbeulah, WI 53023

Office Hours

No set business hours at the Village Hall. Please contact appropriate party directly.

Village Board Meetings

2nd Wednesday
Village Hall
7:00 p.m.

Property Tax Information

To make your tax payment:

Please make your check for either the entire amount or first installment payable to the Village of Glenbeulah.

Mail to Village of Glenbeulah, PO Box 128, Glenbeulah, WI 53023 or drop box located at 110 N Swift St, Glenbeulah.

If requesting a receipt, a self-addressed stamped envelope must accompany the payment.

Second installments for property taxes are due by July 31 and are paid to the Sheboygan County Treasurer.

Lottery Credit —
Find the following Lottery and Gaming Credit forms on the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website.

Form LC-100 - WI Lottery and Gaming Credit Application

Form LC-110 - WI Buyer Lottery and Gaming Credit Application

Form LC-400 - WI Lottery and Gaming Credit Removal Request

If you have questions, email